

Monday, January 17, 2011

diary of a mad black woman

mad...cause pregnancy took me thats my last name. and woman is self-explanatory. found a page of my lunatic ravings at the peak of my pregnancy blues. i must add here, though, the pie that came out of the oven 6 months after the raving was the sweetest, yummiest pie imaginable and i attribute all the discomfort to the fact that such an amazing pie was getting put together. 

Friday, January 14, 2011

the unbearable lightness of being size 12

Did you know that just sleeping several hours consecutively at night can make you lose a pound in the morning? Well, it's a proven scientific fact, based on my personal research. It happened twice! (That just goes to show how many times in the last 2 years I have slept for more than 3 hours at a stretch!) ...and BOTH times I managed to drop a pound. I did pick that pound up along the way in the day, but thats neither here nor there.

However, much as I am panicking about my current post-baby weight gain, I am immensely grateful that the pregnancy from hell is over and if I have a few extra pounds to lug about, I can deal with that. There's a little person in my head that goes AAAAAAAAAAAAA every time I see my scale, but otherwise am fairly calm about it.  And to commemorate my lightness of being, here's an unfinished piece of art.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

hello world

Was searching for images of birds, for a new painting I plan to do...and 'Geninne's art blog' caught my eye. Got sucked into going through all her art...and before I knew it I was signing myself up for my own blog. I am now instantly regretting putting myself out there like that...what will all kinds of weirdos and stalkers out there in cyberspace. But am excited to try this at the same time. If I keep up with this blog, you will find that I frequently yo-yo from one extreme to the other and drive myself crazy. I feel like Alice as she was entering the looking glass. I apparently can always see both sides of a picture and that can be crazy making when it comes to making a decision. But apparently I have already put myself out there by starting this blog, and so I shall continue. I squarely blame my piscean heritage for this indecision. You know how Pisces have two fish swimming in opposite directions? well...that explains everything.

I have largely drifted from the topic (pun intended) of introducing myself and the point of this blog. I am an artist with dreams of having a beautiful art studio crammed with curios and curious objects from lands far and near. Quaint art and exciting finds from yard sales....a lovely meadow and gurgling stream outside it and a perpetual sunny day with a high of 75 and a low of 70. As it happens, my studio is currently a converted room, that I have been informed I am 'sharing' with my 5 year old son. It is filled with the mundane tech necessities of the, scanner, printer etc. However, in my mind I am in that cozy studio, uninterrupted (for a few hours at least....even in my fantasies I can't hope for more) working on a mess of art.

I hope to share some of my scraps of art and musings and would love to hear from you!

self portrait

Inspired by Nick Bantock's phenomenal art, here's a self-porait. Smart viewers might spot the ubiquitous two fish...